Saturday 25 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - CRIT: Design Publication w/ Amber + Tony Broomhead.


We just had a crit with Amber to help solidify our ideas for the design publication. I have just recently thought of my new idea that involves creating 3 books based upon packaging. (I was originally doing a book on just luxury packaging but i realised the book needs to be a book of research that can be applied to most of your practice. 

I made notes about what was discussed in the crit regarding my project. 

Find the answers for each type of packaging for my own methodology. 
What colours to use.
What tone of voice. 
what do the customers want from the brand/ packaging etc.

Mel G in Basic packaging:
'If i'm looking for something for something cheap, I'll look for something thats badly designed'
Does cheap have to be badly designed? is this always the case? 

Is it going to look odd having 3 books that belong to the same collection but are produced with all different materials/ finishes etc? How can I keep consistency?

Things suggested:

- Layout 
- Same typeface 
- Same scale imagery
- Same size
- Same shape

- Will be successful if own work is included in the books to show how I have applied what I am learning to my own practice.

Number the components in the books eg. 
01 colour
02 tone of voice 

Have the same amount of sections in each book for consistency.  

- Makes sense to package the books together as they are about packaging. 
How can 3 books that are so different to each other be packaged together? 

Im definately going to take the advice that I've gained from the crits, the main thing I was concerned about was how to keep the books consistent throughout the sets, especially if they have different binds. I will experiment with the components suggested in order to create consistency across the books. 

I also want to question a few things discussed in the crit such as Mels opinion on low cost design, and try t o understand whether this is true. 

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