Wednesday 22 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - PART 2 Design Publication: New over arching concept.



Today I spoke with a group of peers from my course about the theme of the design publication, and in this discussed I mentioned the concept for mine. However when talking to my course mates they informed me that I should be so specific with my research topic and instead widen the concept, using the research I have already done to create a sub category. 

I was planning previously to look at how luxury packaging briefs/projects should be approached, presenting this in a methodology like form that could be used to approach different types of packaging projects. 

Therefore I should use the methodology that I use, to gather information and present this in a publication, concluding in a refined methodology for how to approach different packaging projects. 

I have already looked into luxury packaging which can act as a sub section to my publication, however I also want and need to look into other different types of packaging to inform my practice. 

Other types of packaging that I might be asked to be involved with are:

- Sustainable packaging. 
- Budget / affordable packaging. 

I will research into the considerations and how to's of creating sustainable and budget packaging using my same methodology as used to research into luxury packaging. 

Separation then integration.

I found that when thinking about my process, I separate the brief into two sections which I can research into, function and form. 


- Audience.
- Culture. 
- Clients needs. 
- Context.
- Purpose of product. (Uses)

With results from research pick strongest theme/s. put these against the following form elements:


- Colour. 
- Tone of voice. 
- Ergonomics.

Pick strongest combination / idea wanted to work with. 

Look at:

- Precedents.
- Production.  

Rewrite brief regarding:
Theme + form + Production = design.

Refer design and development back to the first list and brief. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Make amendments if necessary - Prototypes. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Final piece.

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