Thursday 9 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - PART 2 Design Publication: Luxury Design - Research on form.


I found an interesting article overviewing some interesting points about Luxury packaging, the article speaks particularly about the form of luxurious packaging and how this is used to further the brand, and capture the specific clienteles interests. 

How retailers use their Packaging to convey a luxury sentiment

The article details a list of elements that are thoroughly considered and manipulated in order to give packaging that luxury status and feel. The list was originally written by Luxury packaging company Keenpac. 

The packaging must look crisp in any light. The texture and color must look smooth and without imperfections.
My Thoughts:
- This is something i had never really considered before but makes perfect sense, Not only must luxury packaging appear luxurious within its sold environment, it must look as crisp and clean wherever it goes. I could improve my own work by testing the packaging I create in a range of different lighting. 

The package must be layered so that the opening of the product imparts some measure of anticipation with a touch of thrill. This calls for the packaging to be multi-layered with perhaps ribbons, customized snap closures and secured ends.
My Thoughts:
Consider how excitement towards 'uncovering' the product can be increased. Create a sense of enjoyment not just in using the product, but also the sequence of events to uncover the item. How can this sequence be longer and more 'special'.

A package with embossed paper and sculpted metal can convey luxury to a consumer’s hand.
My Thoughts:
Consider how the tactile aspect of packaging affects its luxuriousness, heavier stocks usually lean towards quality, and these can also be used in production processes such as embossing, which is considered to be a luxury affect. As previously said layers can increase packaging's luxuriousness, and thus this will increase tactility. 

A package that calls to be picked up and rotated conveys luxury. This haptic interaction conveys tactile messages to consumers along various points at the package. Ease of manipulation and sharp folds and corners speak of luxury.

Retailers are using specific fragrances to associate a product to a brand. A product that calls for a methodical and anticipated opening conveys additional luxury by adding a fragrance.
My Thoughts: 
Scents can be assigned to brands for consistency and to enhance and increase customer evolvement with the brand or product. Adding scents can work to increase excitement and increases the level of luxury by adding an extra dimension to the product and packaging. 

Sound can add value and luxury to a package. The physical act of opening a package can be accompanied by satisfying crinkles, audible snaps or small clicks. Research indicates that lower pitched sounds add more value to a luxury brand.
My Thoughts:
I had never really thought about how sounds could be used to convey luxury, I had previously thought about it in terms of senses, and how the customer relationship with a product could improve by adding sounds, but hadn't thought about in depth about the types of sounds. It seems that lower sounds can be assigned to luxury products as they portray visual images of power and mystery, something luxurious products should focus on being.  

The sense of discovery conveys luxury. By extending the anticipation of revealing the product through pull tabs, plush materials, tissues and closures, the perceived luxury of the item is increased.
My Thoughts:
Again layering seems to be spoken about in depth in accordance to luxury packaging. However its is not only about how many layers, but the texture of the layers. Increased luxury stems from layers that differentiate in texture as this adds to the idea of discovery. 

Luxury is conveyed best through restraint rather than excess. Gaudy brand names and jaunty logos tend to mute luxury. Discretion in packaging conveys luxury.
My Thoughts:
I have considered this quite a lot recently. I am currently working on some branding for a luxury florist and have felt throughout the project that restraining myself when designing each element is more appropriate for the brand and audience than overdoing it. Luxury products only need minimal branding and packaging, due to the quality of the product, and such minimal branding and lack of selling advertising through branding and packaging we can assume that the product does not need such tools as it is so magnificent. 

Creating suspense, mystery or romance in packaging elevates luxury. Packaging to enhance anticipation is a basic luxury trait.
My Thoughts:
Anticipation again can be controlled via the experience of discovery and the ways in which the packaging is opened through the layers between the packaging and product.

Quality Control
Climate affects packaging. Packaging needs to stand up to the vagaries of climate. Warping, bubbling, glue integrity and mold must be considered in all packaging.
The initial impression that a package conveys does matter. The luxury package should create enough enticement to motivate a consumer to purchase the brand. Consumers who buy these luxury goods expect it to be innovative and unique.
Beyond basic eye appeal, packaging should impart a good measure of functionality. The functionality can include tactile signals that include pops, clicks, weight, colors and fragrances. These tactile cues must be accurately balanced to impart luxury. Too much can upset the perception of luxury and create a package that is annoying or even frustrating.
My Thoughts:
Craft has a lot to do with the luxuriousness of a product and luxury packaging must be able to with stand conditions and still arrive as it did when it left the store or warehouse. Luxury packaging must be robust and be able to proceed through all its stages of distribution without noticeable damage. Functionality is very important within luxury packaging, and this must run successfully, all areas of opening the packaging must run smoothly, and if something does not open, uncover correctly etc, this goes against the luxury of the packaging, brand and product.  

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