Monday 6 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Florist Branding: Business cards.

Florist Branding. 
Business cards.

With the logo and Flower carriers/ tissue paper design completed, I felt that I had enough of a brand visual to create the business cards. In terms of the front of the design I had one solid idea in mind that I felt would represent the company clearly; a simple black background, with the exact same logo used on the flower carriers/signage in the centre of the card. This would keep consistency and with hold that Luxury feel. 

Working with the back I experimented with a few different ideas - I tried in contrast, inverting the colours on the back of the business card so that the backing was white and design was black. I felt that this may be more eye catching, however when experimenting with the design, I felt it detracted from the opulence and that i would need to continue with the black backdrop. 

I incorporated the symbol onto the back of the card, as not to repeat the whole logo again, but to give a subtle reminder. I put this to stand by itself as a powerful mark and separated it from other information such as website, address and phone number.  

Changing the colours back to being the same as the front I began to play with different formats also. I tried a format that focused all of the information in the centre, and that again allowed the symbol to stand out from the rest of the information. Although I felt like I was on the right track with colour combinations, I felt that the centre justified text looked messy, when the brand needs something that is polished and clean. 

Alike to the first design in which I switched the colours I left justified the text which I felt made it both cleaner and easier to read. This is the format that I think is going to work best for both the brand and the information on the cards. 

I wanted to separate the name / title of the profession and business and pair this with the company logo, for hierarchy reasons. As I felt that this should stand out more than the supporting information on the back of the card. For this reason I paired the profession with the logo at the top of the card. 
Although I do want to pair these two items in terms of hierarchy, the formation does seem a little off.


In order to try and correct this and make the design read more fluidly, I also separated the profession not just by position but also by colour, printing it in the same at the symbol. I felt that changing the colour was more successful than the position. 

With this in mind, I felt that the change in position to deem hierarchy over the rest of the information was unnecessary and that the information would be communicated more effectively if it was just kept in the same position.  Therefore I moved the profession back to its original position and only separated the information according to colour. 

The end result is the most successful combination, It has clear fluidity, hierarchy, readability and clarity. 

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