Monday 6 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Florist Branding: Setting up designs for production.


Today I began by setting up the designs for the flower carriers. I had concrete ideas of how I wanted each branding element to look, but currently this has no technical support that will allow me to make the ideas I have a reality. 

Firstly as I have designed ideas for tall flower bouquets and smaller ones that might be arranged in glass bowls and such as shown below, I began by getting dimensions for both different sizes and shapes. 

Tall flower carrier:

I need to make sure that the dimensions work for how I want the carriers to function. I am most concerned with the function of the tall flower carrier. The flower heads need to spill over the top of the carrier to stop the flowers fall down inside. The carrier also needs to be short enough so that the flower stems come out at the bottom, this also means that the hole at the bottom of the carrier needs to be big/wide enough for the stems to fit through the bottom. 

Therefore there are 3 measurements that I need to try and gather as accurate information for as I can. I cannot predict how tall/ large the flowers would be from a florist, however I can use a bouquet of flowers and vase for reference. 

I measured the head of flowers and found this to be around 22cm. I would expect from a more luxurious bouquet of flowers that the flowers would be more dense and larger on top and so a perfect size for the width of the top would be 150mm. This means that the flowers will not fall down inside the carrier as technically they will be wedged and overspilling the top edges of the flower carrier. 

In terms of carrier length, I measured the stems of the bouquet of flowers, these were about 350mm once the bottom 40mm had been removed. I set the height of the tall flower carriers at 350mm, as these remaining 40mm would pop out of the bottom of the flower carrier. 

Lastly I measured the width of the bottom of the stalks, I need to make sure that the stems will be able to fit ut of the bottom. this measured to around 40mm squared, however I can assume that luxurious bouquets would be  a lot more dense and so more space would be required. The 40mm measurement was also taken when the bottom of the stems were firmly grasped together, it can also be assumed that these would be looser otherwise the flower heads at the top of the bouquet would overlap each other. 

I created a simple net with the dimensions I had found. The net consists of four panels with and end flap which overlaps the first panel and is glued to secure the net. The flowers are held in the carrier through the reliance on gravity as there is no bottom to the bag. I think this contributes well to the brand, not only is it minimalist in aesthetic which contributes to luxury, it also functions in a minimalist fashion.

I also worked out where the holes will go for the ribbon handle so that they do not interfere with the logo once this is foiled. 

Next I worked on logo placement and which way it is best read. The logo will be placed on the front panel of the carrier. I tried placing the logo on the carrier to be read in two different ways:

I asked others advice on which was easier to read. The logo is the only bit of advertisement for the company on the flower carrier and so it is important that it is easy readable. It was a unanimous vote with everyone saying that the first option in which Beckett Beccari is read from bottom to top is much easier to read. I figured that this is because we read left to right, therefore this is the orientation in which I will position the logo when I foil. 

I printed the net and made a mock up just to double check that the design both functions and works aesthetically. 

Small Flower carrier:

Next I moved onto defining technicalities for the small flower carrier, I created a base of 200mm x 200mm to fit a small glass bowl/pot/bouquet within the dimensions. This was the largest size I am able to create as due the facilities I have to produce the collateral, it all has to fit on a1 stock. 

To look at how to create a successful structure for the bag, I took a gift bag and undid the net, to see how it would be put back together again.  I found that the gift bag was one piece of paper that was folded over 4 times with a flap on the end that would attach the sides together.

Using the gift bag structure as a guide and the dimensions for my flower carrier, I created a net using the same formulation. I think that this will work really well as again, the bag is quite minimalist in technicalities, fitting well with the idea of restraint in relation to the design of luxury products and branding.  

I also printed this out and modelled it however I felt that the strength needed to be improved especially on the bottom of the bag to take some more of the tension, that might be created from heavy floral arrangements. I went back and looked at the gift bag I had being using as a guide to see if there was any reinforcement, and found that they have added an extra layer to give the bag a fake bottom.

I therefore created a shape slightly smaller than the base of the bag to slot into the bottom for extra strength. 

Business card:

The business card design was really easy to set up, I will print the design created for the back in digital print. For the front of the business card I will only need to create a black front as the logo detail will come from foiling. 

Message card:

The message card that will be inserted into the flowers is again even simpler. It features a completely plain white back leaving optimum room to write a message, and a plain black printed front that will be foiled on top of using the pattern created.

Message card design:

Plain front for digital print:

Pattern to be exposed onto a screen for foiling:

Message card holder:

I had decided previously that it was going to be better for the brand if I produced the card holders in white acrylic, rather than trying to bend wire to the shape of the brand emblem as this would be no where near as clean and polished. I have learnt in my research for both this project and my research publication that quality of finishing and production is something that really contributes towards luxury brands.

For this reason, and again contributing to the ideology of restraint and minimalism within luxury branding, I want to try and test out a possible idea in which I cut two of the  card holder shapes from acrylic and hot glue them up until the point shown below, so that the card holder appears very polished, and the card itself will wedge into the top. 

To laser cut from white acrylic:


For my invoice design I wanted to follow the same theme making sure that information is clear and easily read, and that the information is clearly separated into sections. 

Invoice that has inspired me:

I came across this invoice design and felt that the layout was inherently simple. All the information is easy to digest and makes the process of paying easily for the user. Although anticipation is exciting when unwrapping the flowers and such, people usually want to get payments over with and so prolonging the experience to be able to do so is the opposite of luxury. 

However, I also wanted to stray away from the regular invoice that features black body copy on a white background and instead switch the colours so that it adheres to the rest of the brand and complies with what I have learnt about luxury branding throughout my design publication, in that a minimal colour pallet is best using large a heavy black pallet will conform to this. Using black across the invoice also adheres to the feeling of privacy which customers will want, from spending large amounts of money at a luxury florist. 

I wanted to further the idea of privacy and exclusivity through the invoice and so I came up with the idea to no only give the invoice as a sheet over paper, but place it into a black envelope, with foil detailed logo alike to the rest of the brand elements such as the business card. Putting the invoice in an envelope would also give the company the opportunity to mail invoices to customer as well had distributing them in store. 

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