Friday 10 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - PART 2 Design Publication: Case Study - Design Packaging Inc.


I also found a similar list of luxury packaging 'cues' from the creative director (Evelio Mattos) at Design Packaging Inc, on the die line blog, not only did this reiterate the previous list. It also proves that these are rules that designers live by in industry in order to create luxurious packaging. 

I will use the list created by Mattos and analyse the work created at his studio against this list, to get a better and more visual understanding of the cues in action.

Delaying instant gratification, through user initiated discovery of the details and functionality behind a layered unveiling process can lead to stronger brand impressions by creating a memorable sense of heightened suspense, in an otherwise mundane experience. Pop-up constructions, pull tabs, unexpected uses of materials; plush suedes, smooth tyveks, ribbon closures, box toppers, or tissues are standard ways in which you can create interactive points for the consumer. How you visually guide the consumer to interact with each component at the appropriate moment in the unveiling is fundamental to the process, making it intuitive is critical.

Consider every sound your packaging makes, each sound provides you the opportunity to fine tune the perceived value of your packaging design, and therefore the brand. Hinges creak, cellophane crinkles (high pitched), two piece rigid boxes slide (low pitch if heavy weight board is used), blister packs crack (high pitched), and shopping bags open to name a few audible opportunities. Each of these can be adjusted through material selection or manufacturing processes to increase (or decrease) the pitch of any audible sounds to deliver the brand-appropriate pitch. Thinner materials will provide a higher pitch than heavier weight materials, compare the sound cellophane makes to a heavy weight paper shopping bag, the heavier the weight the deeper the tone.

The fragrant frontier is currently being employed to provide layered brand identification and recognition across many retail environments. Yet the majority of products purchased online continue arrive with warehouse-scented packaging, creating an olfactive disconnect for end-users. Packaging designed with a thoughtful unveiling process cognizant of powerful sensory cues, can transport users and create memorable signature olfactive moments regardless of environment.

Luxury can be recognized through both touch and the number of hand positions required to interact with packaging. The sharply folded 90º angles on boxes or bags, the smooth bevel of a perfume bottle, all communicate something at every touch point. Product accessibility is a study that is best done with eyes closed, can the consumer easily remove the product in a dimly lit romantic setting, or will they need pliers? Sharp folds and ease of use speak to quality and craftsmanship, both virtues of luxury.

Allow your fingers to do the walking. You will discover that tactile design features are able to create brand-defining cues. A classic tactile cue to luxury is pairing an all-over embossed uncoated paper with a sculpted metallic or high-gloss hot-stamp. The finish and tactile contrast presented by many top prestige retailers follow this classic rule. Can you name a few?

Satin ribbon closures as the point of entry create a luxe in-home product unveiling experience. Custom moulded snap closures can also add visual weight to differentiate keepsake from throw-away packaging. Commodity products are packed with a secure, in-store, and on-shelf at-a-glance experience. Luxury products require the exact opposite, a well designed layered unveiling process to build suspense up to the final reveal in the user’s personal environment.

Light interacts with materials and finishes differently. Always insure that your stock is smooth and crisp, consistent in color, and evenly distributes light across the sheet without imperfections regardless of texture. Contrast matte sheets with gloss UV, or foil hot stamps to make a crisp impression to reflect lighting in any given environment.

From custom papers, and fabrics, to stock materials with custom processes, luxury and prestige is a matter of restraint, not excess. The current trend of minimalist design and discreet luxury began prior to the recession and became the go to luxury brand strategy post-recession. The complete opposite of flaunting logos, prestige brands instead focus on projecting a look and feel rooted in the brand’s heritage visually communicating their story.

Creating mystery, romance, and elevating suspense utilizing a well orchestrated unveiling process walks the fine line between luxury, and over-packaging. The idea of opening a box and revealing the final product immediately, leaves much to be desired. As a standard practice we prefer to add a moment of pause once the pack is opened, to create a sense of anticip - - - - -ation followed by a translucent layer to softly reveal the product below prior to delivering that final a-ha moment.
Poorly designed unveiling processes have been know to increase buyer’s remorse and product return rates by providing an opportunity for end-user’s to reevaluate their purchases, and the value put upon the products by the brand in question.

No matter how well your design communicates luxury on screen or in photographs, the tangible mass produced package is what has to deliver the goods. Understanding how climate impacts materials and print processes at every stage of production through final user interaction is critical to understanding luxury packaging. Humidity is the most often overlooked element in packaging design. Are materials from a humid environment being imported to a dry climate or vice versa, have you considered grain direction, or taken corrective measures to avoid warping, bubbling, mold growth, or glue separation? This critical understanding of quality control at every stage is what can make or break the sense of luxury as presented by packaging.

Three pieces of Packaging from Design Packaging Inc.

Metallic gold rigid collapsible box with foil stamped logo, ribbon tie, and front flap magnetic closure.

My Thoughts:
The BULGARI packaging seems to tick all the boxes as far as I'm aware - I can't account for cues such as haptic in which scent is used to contribute towards brand. First I can tell just by looking at the box that it is Haptic, lots of different hand positions will be used when interacting with the box, including the untying of the ribbon, opening the lid and removing the product. This also proceeds to relate to discovery and anticipation in which many layers have to be passed in order to get to the product increasing tension and excitement. 
It is clear from the design that Design packaging Inc have thought deeply about the combination of elements regarding contrast, closures and tactile. Again the packaging has many layers, and is closed using a ribbon tie and magnetic fastening, meaning ease in function. The box is also produced with robust and strong materials that should be able to put up with a lot of handling. The brand also shows restraint in terms of colour pallet, allowing an extravagant gold stamped logo to stand out against the warms and luxurious bronze brown background. 

Sephora Creative holiday and promotional packaging. 

Creative Holiday and Promotional Packaging

Distressed faux silver leather drawcord pouch with custom woven metallic labels.

Silver Mylar pop-up holiday gift toppers with silver elastic band.

Holiday Sephora Mirror Compact and Gift Card Set

ABS plastic compact produced using injection mould with gloss finish with screen-printed one color.

Custom designed holographic foil folding boxes printed two colors with metallic foil stamp.
Custom designed folding box printed black with gloss varnish.
VIB Promotional Compact with Gift Card and Coupons

Custom designed tri-fold folding box, printed 2 colors and foil stamped with soft touch lamination.

My Thoughts:
The Sephora packaging works greatly with the idea of haptic and discovery. The packaging features many layers which need uncovering finished in a range of textures. These include foil accessories on top of boxes, fabric draw string bags and card boxes, and therefore there is an extensive amount of pack interaction. The function of each layer of packaging is also well considered as the ease of opening each layer is high, but complexity and attention to detail between each transition is also intricately finished. The design team have made sure that although the packaging is very interactive, that it is always simple to open too. Foil gift toppers are secured around the boxes with elastic bands which are easily removed with no tools, draw string bags are opened with ease and intricate card boxes are unfolded with no tools necessary. The packaging shows a great attention to detail in terms of Heritage, materials used are very sleek and appear so in a number of different lights, although the packaging has a festive edge, the roots of the Sephora brand are kept in mind and the packaging clearly reflects its bold, clean and glossy stores.  

Barneys New York Holiday Invitations

Electric Holiday LED Invitations

Hand wrapped rigid 2 piece box with one color exterior lid hotstamp. One color silk screened one way mirror and 16 multi colored LED bulbs and supporting electrical components hidden by interior standard mirror.

Luxury Pop-up Rigid Box Invitation

Rigid box hand wrapped by black beader dyed paper with allover standard embossing pattern, silver metallic hot stamped logo, and magnetic closure.

My Thoughts:
The work done for Barneys New York really focuses on both the ideas of Heritage and restraint, Barney's branding is both minimal and classic which transcends through everything that is produced for the luxury department store and it hasn't stopped here. Again the designers have restrained themselves choosing a small colour pallet and allowing elements such as texture and layers to give ornamentation to the piece. Again very robust materials are used to ensure smooth distribution in which the packaging stays in peak condition. Festive designs are entwined with the Classic Barneys branding again professing minimalism over decoration. 

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