Wednesday 8 April 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - PART 2 Design Publication - Subject choice.


The Brief:

PART 2 –  DESIGN PUBLICATION – you will be required to undertake a period of focused, in-depth and sustained research into an area of graphic design appropriate to your design strategy. You should apply a range of research methods in the investigation of issues, practices, practitioners and companies relating to your own particular area of study. This should culminate in the design and production of a Case Study in the form of a book (or print based delivery), interactive DVD or web site. 

My Initial response:

Today I have been thinking a lot about my research publication and how I can use this project to my advantage, looking back at my work over my time on the course I have found that it is predominantly dominated by both branding and packaging projects. I have also found that when working on branding, one way or another a packaging project is usually born out of this. For this reason I decided to look at where my weaknesses lie within packaging, and what I could do with learning more about, in which I could use the Design publication as a project to do so. 

I know, and have wanted to take the time to learn more about the luxury demographic in design and understand how this relates to packaging. Therefore I am going to take on researching into luxury packaging design in hopes of learning a sufficient mount of information that I feel comfortable when working with such projects in the future. 

Next I looked at how I could use my methodology to help me order how to research into the topic, but also deduce what sectors relating to my topic I should be researching individually. 

My Methodology for design projects:

Separation then integration.

I found that when thinking about my process, I separate the brief into two sections which I can research into, function and form. 


- Audience.
- Culture. 
- Client personality. 
- Context.
- Purpose of product. (Uses)

With results from research pick strongest theme/s. put these against the following form elements:


- Colour. 
- Tone of voice. 
- Ergonomics.

Pick strongest combination / idea wanted to work with. 

Look at:

- Precedents.
- Production.  

Rewrite brief regarding:
Theme + form + Production = design.

Refer design and development back to the first list and brief. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Make amendments if necessary - Prototypes. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Final piece.

How does my methodology translate to this project?

I also made a list of Practices, Books and practitioners on the subject to look into for information and guidance:


HH Deluxe Packaging


Design Packaging inc


Progress Packaging

Box berry


Books of Interest:

The Business of Luxury

 By Fabio Duma, Christine Hallier Willi, Cary Steinmann

The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands

 By Jean-Noël Kapferer

Trading up: why consumers want new luxury goods - and how companies create them.  
Fiske, Neil  &  Silverstein, Michael J 

Let them eat cake: marketing luxury to the masses - as well as the classes. 
 Danziger, Pamela N 


- Peter Zumthor.

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