Tuesday 24 March 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice CRIT: Beckett Beccari.


We recently had crits organised however I am at a point in time where I am leaving old projects and starting new ones however I had one project that I really wanted to get some feedback on some of the design elements for my florist branding 'Beckett Beccari' before I start any production work. 

One design component I was indecisive about was the logo, I was stuck between whether to use a serif or sans serif font. The florists is based upon a long standing relationship between two families whom combined in business and in last names to create 'Beckett Beccari'. This pushed me more towards the serif typeface as it implies tradition and formality. However I also tried at a sans serif font to bring the brand from tradition into a more contemporary era, creating a clean, polished logo and therefore something very luxurious. 

Although some thought that the serif typeface was better due to its roots in tradition, this was outweighed by people who though the sans serif typeface was going to be more suited towards the contemporary audience. They also implied that the brand, being luxurious needs to be as clean and minimalist as possible, and the sans serif typeface offers this more so than the other. 


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