Sunday 22 March 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - YCN Interflora: Online - Social media, Web banner + animation.


As a last port of call, I noticed for all campaigns that Interflora do they have a corresponding web banner. Where as a web banner for Interflora's regular audience might help to persuade them into making a purchase, I think that this web banner's role would be for efficiency. As there is little knowledge about grand parents day among young adults stated in the brief pack, it is doubtful that they would be visiting the site out of interest, but more so have been directed to the site from elsewhere such as the posters/advertisements or Instagram.

Therefore again the web banner needs to as a priority reflect the rest of the campaign taking on the same aesthetic and the same message. 

I looked at how the current web banners are used, in particular how text and image are laid out and used in combination. Although I want to keep consistency within the campaign I also want to take into consideration Interfloras brand and how they use the web banner. 

I noticed when looking at the banners that although I wouldn't say Interflora are being commanding, they are instructing the visitor of their site to uptake an action. I want to mirror the function of Interflora's current web banners using my own campaign and aesthetic. 

In relation to the call for action Interflora uses to get browsers involved I came up with the slogan of 'Give in return this Grandparents day' to back the campaign I have created. I want to place this into the same position as the title text on Interflora's current web banners. 

I then added the text 'say thank you with Interflora' that in result directs young adults not only to 'give in return this Grandparents day' but also to say thank you with Interflora. Here I injected the handwritten typeface that is seen across the rest of the campaign for coherency. 

Lastly I wanted to add two gold banners, one informed by Interflora's current web banners in which they have an arrow 'pointing' them towards the special occasion flowers and where to view these. Here I have incorporated the same shape onto my banner using the colours uniform to my campaign and the Interflora brand. 

The last written detail alike to the Interflora Instagram image I created reveals a celebratory ribbon shape banner reminding the audience of the date for grandparents day, increasing efficiency and connivence for an era of young adults in a fast paced society.  

However as web banners are very horizontally focused I knew that I did not have enough content yet for a full design. Although I still want to incorporate the flower vectors I have created onto the banner for consistency, I know that unlike the Instagram image this is not enough. 

I noticed on the Interflora web banners that they often have imagery of the floral arrangements or people based imagery in relation to the special occasion. I thought that to really get the message across linking young adults to grandparents day I should recognise this connection through imagery - partcularly photography. 

Unfortunately I found it hard to find images of what I was looking for, an interaction between a young adult and their grandparents - or if I could the exchanging of flowers. 

Instead I decided to produce my own in scene photography.  

Lastly I moved onto creating an animation in which I wanted to combine all 3 posters for a 'movement' campaign, I felt that the animation would be a great place to be shared online via social media to spread the message of the campaign to young adults but also, reiterate the campaign shown on Instagram on another social media platform such as twitter or Facebook. The opening frames introduce the campaign which is followed by animated versions of the posters and ends will the message 'What would you like to say thank you for' just like the Instagram campaign. 

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