Tuesday 17 March 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - D&AD John Lewis: The brief and ideas.


I am going to be completing the John Lewis brief with Caitlin Walsh as a collaboration. We have worked together before and it went really well, we both have the same intentions stepping to projects, to create what is best for the brand and not only what we think is best due to our own likes. We also both have a strong interest in packaging and so I feel two packaging minds approaching the project will be great to help balance out ideas and decisions. 

We began by brain storming by ourselves to come up with our own individual initial thoughts, I began by reading through the brief, dissecting it and picking out the most important parts.

Notes from the brief:

- Needs to be visually engaging. 
- Be attractive to customers who are ahead of the trend and like to try new things. 
- Always on the go and are connected to the world through technology. 
- Create something that is as good as the in store shopping experience. 
- Does it have an after life? If not what happens with the box afterwards?
- Think globally - The physical touchpoint of packaging can connect John Lewis to people worldwide. 
- Create an emotional link between the packaging and the shopper.
- Make sure it moulds well with the current John Lewis brand elements. 
- The packaging has to structurally protect the products inside during shipment. 
- Has to be visually engaging. 

Thoughts after reading the brief:

In terms of creating something with a strong experience much like visiting a store, I think that is therefore in terms of packaging, important to focus on the moments the packaging creates, especially in relation to sense. I think it is important to increase the reaction of senses as much as possible, therefore creating packaging, that plays a lot with peoples sense. For example creating packaging that creates noise when doing so, or a specific noise. That has a specific feel and tactility due to deep consideration of texture and stock, and even smell. Is the smell within the stock? or is a scent added? 

I think its going to be important to create something that in the year of 2015 appears special and personal to each customer and doesn't make them feel like just another order number in a system of thousands. Due to technology it has become very easy for things to become very unpersonable and human involvement is in result, reduced. I think that in terms of emotional connection with the shopper, it is important to readdress and resolve this issue. 

Look into the current John Lewis brand and see how the elements of such can be adapted to the new packaging. 

Caitlin's thoughts:

Caitlin got in touch with me with a short message about a possible concept and aesthetic for the packaging, in which she had considered the emotional aspects of the packaging. She considered the idea of making the packaging more exclusive and special for each customer with the idea of unlocking the box to receive the order. She asked me whether this kind of design would be possible by laser cutting the pieces needed to create the 'lock and key type mechanism' I knew that, by some way it would be possible, however such an idea is not viable for a company with a large amount of orders. It would be very expensive and time consuming. 

Therefore she also suggested the idea of a Ribbon coming undone, cutting a ribbon to get into the order, unveiling the product. Therefore having the same kind of concept as her previous idea but with lesser manufacturing stress. 

I found on the John Lewis website they had also included a short interview with a panel of people from the company in which they were discussing their opinions on the new packaging. There were some very interesting and important points raised in the discussion.

John Lewis Interview notes:

- John Lewis adapted a whole new brand look when they changed from Jenelle to John Lewis in 2001. 
- Leading retail department store.
- Like Amazon's delivery packaging - sustainable and user friendly. 
- Put yourself in the position of the customer who wants something special, but also the factory work who needs something simple to pack, and the owner of the company who needs something cost effective. 
- Online sales are in excess of 30%.
- Liked a more personalised delivery service - envelopes with recipients name. 
- Something thats going to be easily availible, affordable with genuine advantages. 
- Like the keep ability of Apples packaging.
- Needs to be something that will be good for when ordering for yourself, but also editable and fitting to order for someone else and send it straight to them. 
- Think of the packaging from different angles - Be the recipient - Does it feel special? Is there an emotional attachment? Be the factory worker - Is it easy to produce and pack? Be the company owner - Is it financially viable? Does is protect the product?

Next task to do:
Look at Amazon and other delivery packages. 

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