Sunday 22 March 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - YCN Interflora: Social Media.


I also felt that Interflora could use one of their less used social platforms to their advantage. Interflora do have an instagram, and this is a platform used very frequently by young adults. 

'53 percent of young adults between the ages 18 and 29 prefer the photo-sharing social network.' Source

'12% of online adults use Instagram, which is dominated by young adults. Some 27% of the Internet users between ages 18-29 use Instagram, which is a photo-sharing service built around a smartphone app that allows users to filter and tint photos they’ve taken and then share them with those they are connected to through the service on a photo feed. Facebook recently bought the service.' Source

'Most notably, 53% of young adults ages 18-29 now use the service, compared with 37% who did so in 2013.' Source

I felt that Interflora could use this as well as possibly their Facebook page to create a simple image based campaign. When thinking about an Instagram campaign I really wanted to reiterate and support the aesthetic already created in the advertisements. I wanted it to be consistent with these, but I also want the image to stand alone, have its own presence and make sense to those who haven't seen the magazine ads or posters.

I also wanted to keep the image much more simpler than the previous designs. Whereas within a city or standing in a bus shelter, people are more prone to stand and read the poster, images on Instagram can be quickly scrolled past and forgotten. 

As Instagram is a platform for sharing photos I decided the theme of the campaign to grab young adults attention should be to share their own experiences, after all this is why everyone, and mostly young adults are on Instagram because they want to visually share their life. Therefore I came up with the idea using the Campaign name 'What would you like to say Thank you for' to involve the followers in the campaign. Using this concept not only works well in conjunction with the slogans on the posters, but it also makes 100% sense by itself. 


To create the image to upload on Instagram I used the same typographic pieces as used on the posters, however when It came to illustrations I stripped these back so that the image not only appears much more simple but the campaign title would also stand out much more on someones feed.  I also added the classic date banner at the top for efficiency measures. 

I also submitted the image along with a make shift campaign where Interflora could give people who choose to involve themselves with the campaign the chance to win a bouquet of flowers for their grandparents. This would act as another incentive for people to get involved, however once they share their photo with the tags provided their friends who see the image on their feed may want to get involved also and interest and knowledge of the campaign would grow. 

'Upload a photo of you and your grandparents with #Thankyoufor and why you want to say thank you for the chance to win them a personalised bouquet created by one of our expert florists.' 

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