Sunday 22 March 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - YCN Interflora: Advertisements & Magazines.


Now that I have the text layout and image work for the advertising section of the campaign I can add these together to create the advertising via magazine and city bilboard/bus shelters. I have chosen these specific locations due to the audience. Although a lot of the audience (18-25 years) will drive, a lot will still probably make use of public transport, whether it will be for social reasons, going to work or even university. Bus shelters and city centre billboards will see a lot of traffic from my intended audience. 

I have also chosen magazines as a platform to print the advertisement as it is another place also highly trafficked by my audience age, whether reading them on commutes to work, on the way to work or just as a hobby. 

Text Layout:


Flat designs:

Magazine advertisement:


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