Monday 6 October 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice: Christmas stationary.

Christmas stationary. 

The christmas stationary brief is mostly something I chose to do for over the christmas period, whilst working on my COP writing and practical to keep myself sane. As a lover of all things christmassy and festive it was hard to only pick one christmas brief. I really wanted to try and find a brief where I could do some more screen printing. Traditional printing is something I really enjoy doing, and is a craft I have tried very hard to refine over my last two years at Leeds college of art. It also seemed like a great match to pair this possibility with the idea of christmas stationary, as screen printing is something tactile and adds a special touch, perfect for gifting. 

The idea is to create a selection of Gift stationary based upon 3 famous christmas films, I chose christmas films a the use of quotes is something slightly rarer and more special than the use of song lyrics. I plan to prepare for each film, a greetings card, gift wrap and gift tags. I would also like to do bags, however I will have to pitch this against the time constraints of the project when doing this simultaneously with my COP projects. As far as audience goes for the project I will be focusing mostly towards families and friends. however this brief does seem to have the widest range of audience. The gift wrap could be something a boy purchases for his sisters present because she loves the film elf, or gift wrap you buy for your granddad because he reminds you of chris cringle etc, so therefore the best thing to aim for is to stay true to the movies, and create a response that echoes the film in a creative way, and the followers of the films will come. I have however decided that it would be best to stock such products in shops such as HMV and Water stones as these themselves are media outlets, and often places where you will find those who love movies, or those who are shopping for film/book based gifts around christmas time.  


- Look at other music/ film inspired gift wrap. 
- Find 3 christmas films most popular for families. 
- Watch Christmas films.  
- Pick out most recognisable quotes and motifs. 

Deliverables (subject to change):

- Greetings card
- Giftwrap
- Gift tags
- Gift bag (If possible)

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