Monday 13 October 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice: Alice in Wonderland for MAC - Illustrations.

Alice in Wonderland for MAC cosmetics.

After watching the film, and seeing how the edition by Tim Burton really worked hard at capturing the classic aspect of the Alice in wonderland story I wanted to look back at the evolution of Alice and wonderland, and the amount of aesthetic changes the illustrations had taken on in terms of style over the years. 

The original character drawings from the book are very hand rendered, in a sketchy style. The illustrations appear to be very classic and are probably one of the reasons why the characters in the most recent film appear to also be so traditional and aware of the original aesthetic. These illustrations will be much less recognizable than more current renditions such as the 1951 Disney edition and 2010 Tim Burton.

The illustrations, as they have come from a book also lack any colour, colour is such a big object in the film, that it would seem amiss to not include within the design. It is however easy to distinguish which character is which and the aesthetic of each character doesn't differentiate too much from the more popular version (1951).

I did however find some of the classic illustrations in colour format, however they still lacked the vibrancy that many know and love Alice in wonderland for. 

The illustrations seen below are probably the most recognisable of the Alice illustrations, and are more so some of the ones that more people think of / know in reference to Alice and Wonderland. I thought about how I could possibly do a combination of illustrations for the collection. Much like what had been done with the Venomous villains collection. 

In the Venemous villains collection we see a combination of two different illustration styles, one that is sketchlike, and the original disney illustrations.

The mix of illustration works so well as the illustrations are the same aesthetic, and images but in different mediums/colours. The designer of this collection has used the illustrations as a key. The venomous villains collection consists of 4 different villains, each which have products and therefore illustrations combined with them.

The latest character set are what inspired my want to do an Alice in Wonderland collection and are visual icons that I think I should dedicate my packaging designs to.

I think that the best idea would be to start with designs for the outside packaging boxes, before working on pallet lids etc, as these will more than likely have to be made from vinyl stickers. In the end up these might be something that I have to propose instead of making depending on time, as I want to do the full research, designing and production project in 2 weeks. 

The best step to take next is to figure out what products I will be designing packaging for/ what the collection will with hold and therefore the dimensions of each box, ready for beginning design development.  

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