Monday 6 October 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice: Beckett Beccari luxury florists.

Beckett Beckinsdale Luxury florists. 

Beckett Beccari is a brief that inspired solely from interests I have outside of university. Obviously as stated in my design strategy PPP presentation Branding is one of the sectors that excites me most about the industry and is therefore one of the reason I have taken up so many briefs under this Umbrella. However the subject of choice for the branding brief is something that I have interests in outside of university. If I ever got to a point where I ever thought that Graphic design would be too much for me, I wanted to have a back up plan for another career where I would still have the availability to enjoy a range of different projects and explore creativity. 

It was here I began to enjoy the idea of Branding for a florists. Floristry was something I had considered doing as a back up career. My grandma was a florist, and now my cousin has just finished training at floristry school. Although I am doing a lot of branding initiated projects, I am trying to further my progress by designing for a range of different audiences. The type of audience I am aiming for within this brief is one I have not really approached before. The aim is to create a luxury brand for an older audience, who would assumably have more of a disposable income to spend on such objects. 

This will also be my most substantial brief with an approximate time frame of 6-8 weeks. The branding project includes producing items such as, packaging and stationary items, business cards, letterheads, online platform (not coded), possible inside spatial design and mock ups for the store/ uniform / delivery vans. In order to begin a successful design process there are a few things I need to look into. 


- Research into how a Luxury florist functions.
- How stock can effect the class of a product. 
- Research into the aesthetic of already in business high end florists. 
- Research into branding for florists.

Deliverables (subject to change):

- Packaging (boxes and bags)
- Wrapping
- business cards 
- Letterhead
- Invoice
- Mock ups (store, uniform, delivery vans)
- Branding guidelines.

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