Monday 6 October 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice: Alice in Wonderland for MAC.

Alice in Wonderland for MAC cosmetics. 

I knew that as part of my extended module project selection, I wanted to do another project similar to one that I did last year. For the responsive module in the second year I entered a YCN competition response for the Cath Kidston brief. Although it was something that I did find quite stressful, as Cath Kidston already had a very distinct style, It was in face something I ended up enjoying, and due to all the leg work I put in trying to make it just right, It turned out to be one of my most successful projects to date. I wanted to highlight the fact in my portfolio that, not only could I work creating my own brands from scratch, but I could also mould to the needs of an already existing brand. 

Again for this brief, I have added some extra personal enjoyment by choosing to work for a brand that I myself am attracted to. Not only do I enjoy using make up as It is another outlet for creativity, I love collecting make up, especially those pieces in special, or limited edition packaging. And so I decided to combine this idea of interest to work with a brand that already exists. The brand I have chosen to work with is MAC Cosmetics. On a regular basis throughout the year Mac cosmetics brings out a range inspired by a character, group of characters, film or series. In the past few months we have already seen collections by the Simpsons and Rocky horror picture show being released. It it my aim to create a new line of packaging for MAC cosmetics that could go across all the different products usually featured in the collections, another possibility I would like to do if there is enough time, is create the table stand in which the products will be held in. I have chosen Alice in Wonderland as a point of inspiration for the collection as I thought that the styles, patterns and colours of the movie left a lot to be played with, in terms of the products (colours of eyeshadows, nail varnish, lipstick etc) and the packaging itself. I also tried to pick a film that was heavily influenced and well known for its wondrous, out of the ordinary and talented make up skills/ looks.

Red Queen,


- Look at previous limited editions collected by MAC.
- Look for stocks similar to that already used in MAC packaging.
- Watch Alice in wonderland.
- Look for key colours, moments and motifs in the film.
- Gather dimensions for all products. 

DELIVERABLES (subject to change):

- Logo for line.
- Lipstick packaging.
- Eye quad packaging.
- Nail varnish packaging. 
- Blush packaging. 
- Powder packaging. 
- Eyelash packaging. 
- Table stand for products. 

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