Tuesday 28 October 2014

OUGD603 / Extended practice - Brrrew Iced tea - First thoughts.


The first thing I did in relation to the brief was simply took 20 minutes, and just wrote down ideas in relation to the brief; things I would need to look into, Ideas for visuals. Anything that comes to mind, There is a saying that one should always trust there gut, although I am not saying any ideas below may be a direct reflection of the final product, Ideas which pop into your head at first thought can usually be strong and help pathe your way further into the project. Below list a number of things I would like to research into, extend on or just simply remember. 

Look at precedents:
  • look at the design. 
  • Audience.
  • Country they are sold in. 
  • Which brands are the most successful and why?
  • Tone of voice.

Look at Yorkshire tea. 
Why is it so successful? 
Look at the design. 
Consider whether this would only be available in yorkshire?

Look at the culture of tea drinking in england.
When do people drink tea?
Why do people enjoy tea?
Do people drink Iced tea?

What is yorkshire iced tea?
Small company. 

What shaped packaging? 
Bottle or can?
stocked in shops or restaurants? Will this effect the bottle .vs. can.
whats the most ergonomic?
experimental drink packaging?

What is to be produced?
packaging for 3 flavours.
Promotion - billboards - bus stops.
Social media. 

Is Iced tea the healthy option? 
What are the health benefits of Iced tea? can this be banked on?
Sources local ingredients.

Research Yorkshire?
Go take pictures of fields / scenes around Yorkshire. 
Get a feel for Yorkshire life and heritage, as well as stock up on possible visuals?
Look into other drinks grown out of yorkshire aswell as Tea? Maybe food products also?

Tone of voice:
  • Young
  • Fun
  • Dedicated 
  • Passionate

  • 20-40
  • Want to try something other than tea. 
  • Looking for a loyal refreshing drink. 

Don’t offend through stereotypes and be graceful. 

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