Monday 6 October 2014

OU5D603 / Extended Practice: Say no to Palm oil.


The above brief is a result of two other projects that have provoked a new train of thought within me in relation to Graphic design. Last year, as part of the Responsive design module I responded to a number of live briefs, however there was one brief, towards the end of the process which I, in particular struggled with. This was not down to the complexity of the brief, and type of designers block or time constraints, but more so my own morals in relation to the project. From this moment on I knew it was of importance to me, to always be honest with the audience that I was designing for, If I didn't believe in the product, I shouldn't promote it, and to do so would be a lie on my behalf. 

It was through this realisation that I also began to think about the power I have as a Graphic designer, and that which I have over my audience. In the essence of things, I am able to somewhat control what a person thinks about a certain brand, a lot of the time I can even convince/ discourage someone to invest in something. I started to think about how I could use this power to shape the world in a more positive way. For this reason I want to start (and continue on through my design career) doing a percentage of work that helps spread my creative wings in terms of social responsibility, cultural issues and ethics, this is also work that I would expect no payment for. 

The unsustainable collection of Palm oil is something my eyes were opened to this summer, after a visit to Chester zoo. In The orangutang exhibit the spatial design spoke of the struggles of unsustainable palm oil and the devastating affects it has on this beautiful animal. It was something that unknowingly I had been ignorant to myself, and now when purchasing products such as cosmetics, domestic items or chocolate I try and look for sustainably certified Palm oil products. However I found that others walk away from the exhibit without knowing this information from not fully reading into the spatial design. This was a problem I wanted to try and solve through a selection of flyers/leaflets. 

The series of leaflets will be designed in affiliation with Say no to palm oil and 
I will design leaflets on behalf of the above two campaigns. These would then be fed through many facets of the zoo;
 given out with a gift shop purchase, distributed with tickets mailed out, a segment on zoo maps, and large scale 
posters to be displayed throughout the zoo. This will also ensure that I can produce my designs on a number of 
different formats. 


-  Look deeply into the issue of unsustainable Palm oil. 
- The effects of unsustainable palm oil. 
- Design for zoos. 
- Design for social change - techniques. 
- How many different designs will I do / are necessary? 
- Work already taking place by say no to palm oil and

Deliverables (subject to change):

- Flyer distributed with gift shop purchase 
- Flyer to be distributed via post with tickets before a visit to zoo takes place. 
- Segment on the back of a map. 
- Large scale posters for around zoo.

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