Saturday 16 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - YCN Interflora: Evaluation.


The outcomes:
At the end of the project I was quite happy with the final outcomes however the project had not turned out how I had hoped with the implementation of paper quilling as my media not being successful. However I think that I was able to pull through with my strengths in illustration based work, creating something that shared the same image of paper quilling that I had. I also think the end pieces I created work well as a set and have a clear coherency which is something I really wanted to achieve. I also think that the resolutions delivered work well to take a strong brand such as Interflora whom already has a specific demographic, and transform it into something that a younger audience can relate with. I think a lot of the strength within this project also lies within the concept and particularly the subject of each material taking the time to research and understand what my age audience want to be thankful for, and working to match the USP's and help the audience understand how the brand can relate to them. For example being thankful for little things such as your grandma making you personalised costumes, is responded to with one of the brand unique selling points in which Interflora can produce one of a kind personalised bouquets of your choice with a made to order service. I thought careful consideration of such elements helped to make the campaign really strong.

What could we improve on?
I think to improve, I could have prepared myself a bit better and taken the time to research more and learn the techniques of paper quilling straight off the bat. I think given a second chance to work on the project I would have out aside more time to do so, or attempted other similar options such as paper craft where I could have achieved comparable results. However I feel that my strengths will illustration helped to successfully pull the project through. I would have also of liked to take the animation a bit further and work on something that appears as personal as the posters themselves. I think I found it hard to match the format of the posters with the video and so working with the animation a bit more, I could have created something more coherent, but also independent of the posters rather than just a animated version of these.

What did I learn?
I think I have learnt quite a lot throughout this project. I originally took up the opportunity to enter YCN via this brief based upon my interest in floristry which I thought who help inspire me and keep me motivated throughout the project. I also thought that the idea of doing a campaign and working with marketing was something quite different and that as it is my last year on the course it is really the last chance I would have to experiment with something new. I found that marketing came quite natural to me, and I particularly found that working with the copy was a fun new experience and would, if the opportunity was given to me, work with it in the future. I didn't overly enjoy the project and I think this is due to the fact that the paper quilling didn't work out which I had high hopes for, and i think really would have given the campaign great impact. Therefore I think that I have learnt process wise from now on when undertaking a project I should stick to what I am used to and know i am good at, unless for future reference I am working in a team with someone who is good at the process. Another thing I learnt a lot about this project is that really getting to know your audience is invaluable which is something I think that made my concept and the copy I wrote so successful, because it was 100% tailored to the new audience Interflora wanted to target. I did this through involving the audience in my every descision, from asking them survey questions, to creating designs for their most trafficked platforms (bus shelter, city centre posters and social media) and considering how to adhere a classic brand to this new audience.

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