Tuesday 19 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Brrew Iced tea: Final pieces + Evaluation.


The outcomes:
A lot of research was undertaken not only to understand the product that the packaging would encase but also the heart of the company and its roots inspired by its origin in Yorkshire. To emphasise this photographs were taken in the form of primary research and used as a source of inspiration for the bespoke packaging illustration. The illustration itself helps the design to appeal to its young audience but cements itself in its surroundings of Yorkshire. A lot of work was also undertaken to develop a logo that would help to set the product apart from any regular hot teas on the shelf, however I think the bold bright illustrations, and of course the name, also help to do this. The designs were also well considered for on and beyond the shelf, created in a shape that is easily stacked, and opened with a convenient perforated tab allowing the product to easily drop down into place. 

How could they be improved? 
I think the designs could have been improved more so by creating more content for the packaging and brand as a whole by furthering the components to include others such as a point of sale or promotional material. More experimentation at the production process in terms of printing and stock could have been tried in order to see where the colours would result in being the brightest. 

What have I learnt?
I learnt a lot more about how useful different avenues of research can be useful. The illustrations as mentioned were created via images taken in various areas of the Yorkshire countryside and merged together. I think it is the experience of travelling to the places that has also helped to create a successful piece over simply collecting images online, and drawing ideas from these. In addition I also learnt a lot more about the further considerations after aesthetics that need to be contemplated, more research also took place in the the form of function, considering not only how the packaging will appeal to the customer but how it will sit on the shelf, and function in the customers home. 

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