Tuesday 19 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Christmas stationary (cards): Evaluation.


The outcomes:
The Christmas card brief was something very simple but enjoyable to create, and in the end I think the outcomes really work to suit the audience. The simple text and illustrations work well to compliment each other, whilst the screen printing in red and white against craft card creates a reminiscent image of traditional parcels. Looking at the outcomes, they work well in a set together which was a concern, but the colour pallet and materials helps to bring them together, whilst the differentiation in typography and illustration bespoke to and linking back to each film helps them to have their own stance and individual presence. They are a really fun choice for any friend/partner/ family member of a movie lover at christmas time. 

How could they be improved?
The project was only intended to be approximately a week long all in with research and production, however it could be furthered and extended with other stationary items such as gift wrap, gift bags and tags etc. I think the simplicity of the project was very much out of my comfort zone, and although I think the simplicity of the design combined with screen printing works well together, I would have like to have created something with more of an illustrative focus, however given the time restraints I set for myself, such decisions weren’t particularly viable.  

What have I learnt?

I have learnt a lot about the design to production stage of design in that production processes can help make simple designs unique, but also be just as important and hold as much stance within the outcome, as the design itself. The outcomes also taught me that simplicity can be a great tool and that its sometimes, more successful to hold back and create restraint in design that go overboard with detail. I also learnt that doing a project every now and then primarily for fun, as I did with this in the winter months alongside my dissertation, will benefit you greatly.  

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