Sunday 17 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Peter and Paul: Feedback + Evaluation.


  • It could have been a good idea
  • Missed the boat with it
  • Should have been an underlying/subtle theme, but was too literal
  • Implied implications from prospective students

Working with the Danielle:
Working with Danielle was a really positive experience, we both have a similar work ethic and so neither of us were ever waiting for the other to get work done. She was also really easy to communicate with, and neither of us would hold back on our opinions which made it a very professional and easy working relationship. I also found Danielle's positive attitude motivated me and was one of the reasons I was excited to partake in the live brief. 

Our outcomes:
In the end at final mock ups I was really happy with our resolution, however throughout the project I did question my ability to produce my side of the design. However, the more progress I made throughout the project the more confident I became in my side of the design. I also think that the designs work really well together and are simple but strong. In addition I think the designs were really well considered, as well as bringing something new to the table, we really considered the surrounding environment the designs would be housed in and drew direct inspiration from this. Although they could be considered a bit controversial I think our designs represented something students need to be reminded of. Overall I think our outcomes worked really well for only a few days work from research to end product. 

What could we improve on?
In terms of improvement based upon the feedback given by Peter and Paul, they said that we should not be so obvious and direct with our message, which I understand, but thought the concept worked really well anyway. Another simple addition which I thinking could have helped to improve our work was just more time. I don't usually work with a focus on just type, however I have done a few bits and pieces before in different projects, but this is what Danielle approached me for. I know that if I had more time I would have been able to refine the design a lot more and produce something I was really happy with. On the other hand also, if I had the chance to re-do the project I would consider producing a typographic piece that is not so stylised and complex, but still withholds impact and the light heartedness of the script font.  

What did I learn?
I learnt a lot about working relationships in this project, mostly that working with someone who you trust and who has a similar work ethic to you will not only make a successful project, but an enjoyable one. I also learnt a lot about concepts, the controversial message may not be seen as appropriate by everyone, but sometimes taking a risk can be rewarding, maybe not in success but in enjoying your design practice, and from time to time you should test the waters and do something that excites you. I also learnt that type is not one of my most lucrative skills and although I managed to get there in the end and complete something I was fairly happy with, if I ever plan on on doing a typography focused piece again, I'm going to need to work on timing and planning to leave enough time to develop something I'm happy with. I spent the 2-3 full days we have just working on the one piece of type by hand before spending time working with it digitally and so It would be nice in future to work on my skills and perhaps practice typography outside of design so I can become more efficient. 

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