Monday 18 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Beckett Beccari: Evaluation.


The Outcomes:
Beckett Beccari is by far one of my favourite selection of outcomes I have created. The collateral produced works hard to adapt to the luxury methodologies discovered and discussed throughout my research book. The outcomes heavily consider colour, in which the colour scheme is dominated by black with small interjections of white, thus showing restraint and reluctance to include any unnecessary ornament to try and sell the product, perceiving a strong image of quality and also exclusivity. The combination of black matte card and glossy foil elements display beautifully in a range of lighting appearing crisp and polished and therefore rich in craftsmanship, signalling images of quality. Whilst the message card holders bring another air of luxury to the brand, extruding power through strong bespoke shapes, strengthening the brand image and further adding to its image of exclusivity, in the vision that the holders cannot be, nor will be used by any other brand. The image of rarity and luxury is performed even further through details such as the invoice which arrives in a black foil stamped envelope, keeping consistency with other brand elements such as the flower carriers, and also communicating the persistent appearance of confidentiality. 

What could I improve on?
To have really taken this project further an online presence would have really helped to produce a more well rounded brand. If I had time to take the project further I would have liked to create a website for opportunities such as online ordering which would be an invaluable tool to the customer. I would like to consider making such advances for my portfolio to portray how the brand works both online and offline, as I never take up the opportunity to fulfil such projects. I think another aspect of the project that could have been improved was execution in terms of the production side. Although the design ideas and resolutions were valid and well designed, traditional processes such as foiling are often unpredictable, and so for this reason I have aimed to make mock ups where appropriate. I also think other design components such as possible spatial and interior pitches and potential shop front mock ups could help to take the project further and again are something I am considering taking further and adding to my portfolio. 

What did I learn?
Primarily I learnt a lot more about designing for a luxury brand, how to respond to the needs of a luxury company and also the wants of the luxury customer. I learnt how to restrain myself within during brand creation as this is not always needed, especially when working with brands used to convey luxury, which requires a very different thought process to the design I am used to creating. I have also learnt a lot about timing and production in the idea that If I cannot, with unpredictable traditional production processes, produce the work physically, I should aim to in events of time saving, work to create successful mock ups. I also found that a lot of the success of this project was down to taking on feedback given by my peers especially in relation to logo choice which in effect is at the heart of the brand. Therefore feedback is essential and I should take any opportunity to gain feedback through out my practice. 

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