Saturday 9 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - PART 2 Design Publication: Design development.


Today I worked more so on the aesthetic of the book and possible packaging which ill hold the books as a set. I currently have quite a clear idea about how the inside spreads will keep consistency, however I need to think about how the books will link aesthetically cover to cover especially with different bind and printing techniques - and overall how to represent all three in one piece of packaging.

I started by trying to think of a name for my book and came up with a few different ideas. I was unsure whether I should call it something that would apply to everyone, or just me as it reflects my practice.

Possible names:

my packaging approach 
my packaging procedure
my packaging process

the packaging routine.
the packaging framework

the packaging strategy 
the packaging pattern
the pattern of packaging 

Packaging method(s)odology

Packaging 123

  1. Luxury packaging
  2. sustainable packaging
  3. cost effective packaging

I started playing around with the idea of Packaging 1, 2, 3 as it created a way to organise the three books and almost give them a code, the three numbers referring to each of the 3 packaging types. 

I did think however that the book didn't seem very personal to me and so I experimented with something else. I asked others their opinions and they said they liked the idea of packaging Method(s)ology as it suggests that the information described in the books can be followed by others to create successful packaging, but the information has been drawn from my methodology. 

I did however Like the idea of giving the books a key or a code and so I continued to play with this idea. 

How the outside packaging could appear to explain that it is a set of packaging methodoligies and there are three in the collection. 
I also thought I could do a small overview or recap what the 3 books entail. However I could also have this on the back of the packaging as a mini blurb. 

I then thought I could apply the same kind of layouts to the covers of the books creating some coherency. 

However I thought that instead of having the 3 - referring to the amount of books which isn't relevant to the cover of the book, I could create a key of icons. One icon for each book that represents what type of packaging the book is talking about.  

I also thought that underneath the title where the mini caption about the books as a set was positioned on the packaging that this could be transferable to each book cover where it would instead, state information about the book for example all about sustainability. 

I created a set of three symbols which I thought would apply the the three types of packaging.

Shape and size:

Next I worked on size and shape of the book, I felt that this would be dominated by the binds, particularly the screw post bind which requires extra margin room.

I thought about the different shapes - so far I had been working with something that was about a5 size and format. It is a good idea that I keep them smaller rather than large. Sustainability requires as little materials to be used as possible such as stock, as so keeping waste to a minimum is a decision to follow.   

If an a5 type format is used a chunk of the format will be unusable due to the screw post bind and will make the page format very slim. Therefore I should work to use a winder format that will allow space for this. 

I feel that the format of height larger than width works better and the above possibility is too wide. I want something that when the margin is taken away, leaves an a5 format type behind. For this reason I will take an a5 paper size dimensions and add to the width to make room for a screw post bind. 

Size of the book:

178mm width x 210mm height. 

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