Monday 18 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Bradley Sykes Architect: Produced outcomes + Evaluation.


The outcomes:
A rand of outcomes were produced to represent Bradley in a self promotional sense, for when he finishes university this year and qualifies as an architecture. The components work really hard to succeed at portraying a visual of Bradley’s end resolutions and a reference to his methods of practice. The client was really happy with the end products and working with the client was a really positive experience, in the initial stages they gave me a lot of direction, not particularly towards how the design should look, but how they work in concept and aesthetic, after the first meeting, I was left with almost full reign of the project. I checked back in frequently with the client to show my ideas and each stage was very smooth with the client agreeing with my preferences and decisions made towards the project. A lot of consideration went into the final products, from minimalist logo design, to embossing creating decoration via the texture of materials, and the colour choice in which a selection of neutral shades of colour plan were acquired to mirror the natural and organic pallet Bradley uses in his work.

How could they be improved?
I would have liked to create a web presence for Bradley, however he stated during the design process that within architecture it is unusual for them to have an online website as a portfolio. I did however produce a pdf version of his creative cv/portfolio that he could attach in emails when contacting people online. 

What have I learnt?

I learnt a lot more about client collaboration and working towards a live brief, I have learnt further how to and how frequently to communicate with a client. i have also learnt mock ups and test pieces really allow the client to see where you are coming from, and the direction you intend to take, making them more inclined to agree as they see a clear picture. I have also grown a lot more within branding especially within this project for similar reasons to that of Beckett Beccari, stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing something a little bit more restrained and minimalist in contrast to the highly decorative work I usually produce. Lastly I learnt a lot about the importance of stock and its role within graphic design, the stock became a major role across the brand not only for production reasons but to communicate key points about the clients practice and brand. In future projects I will consider how stock and materials can be use to further communicate and extend the brand. 

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