Tuesday 19 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Alice in Wonderland for MAC: Final pieces + Evaluation.


The outcomes:
I had chosen to do this project based upon both my interests within cosmetics and Tim Burton films. The end product works really well to combine both the original mac brand and packaging which features a black colour pallet interjected by a white logo and other typographic elements with the films very distinguished out of the box Tim Burton aesthetic. Both very contrasting visuals very easy to combine together as although Alice in Wonderland is well known for its physcadelic colour pallet, the Tim Burton remake is very much a mysterious and darker version of the original. The packaging is therefore successful as the mysterious elements of Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland could easily be interjected into the brand that is dominated by black. Further successes in communication of both film and brand come from the use of foil to further project the theme of mystery, whilst the ‘life like’ illustrations not only make the character on the packaging easily distinguishable but also nod to the most dramatic make up look within the film. 

How could they be improved?
Looking at the end outcomes I think all the elements work really well together including illustration choice, finishing choice and typography however the project could be improved if it was extended. Possible extensions could have been gained from producing designs to go on the packaging inside the boxes, or even creating a unique point of sale stand. The project could have even been taken as far as advertising for the new line across a range of different platforms. 

What have I learnt?
Answering the brief has helped me to improve my craft skills which are important for a designer who has a focus on packaging, especially if I need to mock work up for clients in the future. I also learnt a lot about combining finishing techniques and stock and how these can be use to communicate just as much as type or image, as with ‘MAC in Wonderland’ I chose to combine foil and matte card for a unique effect that helped to communicate the aura of the film. I also, for personal practice, learnt a lot about test printing which I should aim to do on all projects for the future. 

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