Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Module Evaluation.


There are a long list of Skills I have developed throughout the module referencing both technical and social improvement. I have developed vastly my skills and abilities to work with other people and was motivated from the beginning of the year to take on as many collaborations as possible. I have taken part in 4 collaborations throughout the year with 2 being mandatory (DBA + DR ME) and 2 self initiated (Peter and Paul + John Lewis YCN), doing so many collaborations has not only improved my ability to work with others in terms on communication, compromise and sharing the workloads but it has also reconfirmed my want to work within a studio surrounded by other creatives. My ability to research properly has definitely improved throughout the year with a focus on producing and following my own methodology. I have applied my methodology since building it at the start of the year to all my briefs and worked with it as a focal point for my design publication. I now feel ready to take my methodology and apply it to all future briefs I will work on, which will give me more appropriate outcomes in response to briefs. I have also improved my ability towards working for live clients, producing work that not only is relevant for them, but also work that has an ability to be produced when it leaves my hands. For example - The work I did for Bradley Sykes was produced with great consideration to his practice and resolutions he produces, but it was also considered how he can produce the branding elements himself after the design leaves my hands. in response I create a set of embossing plates for his elements that can be used in future. The remaining pieces of the design were simply laser printed.  

I have always been very craft based with my outcomes due to my roots in art and design, and so i have continued to deliver pieces of work that use traditional and alternate production processes. I have also used the extended practice module as a final opportunity that I will get to experiment with such processes. Throughout the module I have experimented with foiling, screen printing, embossing, laser and inkjet printing, lasercutting, crafting nets and packaging , working digitally and experimenting with different book binds including soft perfect, screw post and simple staple. However all of the experiments have been well considered and through thorough research creating an appropriate outcome for each brief. I have also spent a lot of time preparing and taking professional sets of photographs for the presentation side of my work in terms of portfolio. I have worked to create images that both look at my work technically through the photography studio, and those in context which will be valuable for my portfolio as i work with branding and packaging. 

I think that the strengths in my work are as previously stated are over arched by thorough consideration, and this all stems from  in depth and appropriate research, which creating my methodology has allowed me to do. I have also not been afraid to push the boundaries and commit myself to spending the time to create appropriate resolutions such as my design publication which in direct reflection of my research required me to laser, inkjet, screen print, foil and do 3 different types of binds, followed by lasercutting the packaging.  I have always had a go getter attitude in response to put in the effort to produce complex and time consuming outcomes, but I think doing this is what makes my work strong, and this is what I will continue to do where appropriate for the rest of my career. I have also worked this year to gather feedback from as many people as possible, whether this be live clients, student led crits or college ones, i have been self motivated to attend, and from doing so I have taken in valuable information which i have moulded into my designs. This has proved to be really beneficial for me as the feedback from others almost replicates a sense of working in a studio and getting feedback from colleagues. 

In terms of improving the outcomes I have produced, the main thing I can think of is extension. I took it upon myself at the start of the year to not include myself in so many college led briefs and instead work on briefs that I want to put in my portfolio, and the types of work my potential employers would be looking for and find attractive and thoughtful. For this reason I have ended up doing more larger briefs that have left me with a smaller amount of projects, completing 10 plus my design publication over the year. However for the ones towards the smaller side such as BRREW or my christmas cards, I would have liked to extend them where appropriate creating designs such as POS or further stationary for the latter. i also think more development and experimentation can always improve a project, such as BRREW where I would have liked to experiment a bit more with stock and colours to achieve a brighter more pigmented outcome. i am however happy with my briefs and feel that I have responded well to a wide range of branding and packaging briefs to put in my portfolio which was my original intention and focus when first starting the module. There are a couple of extra briefs I would have liked to have done throughout the year, however as a self motivated designer I feel no issue with doing these outside of college in the hopes of furthering my portfolio.   

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - John Lewis D&AD: 603 Submission boards.


OUGD603 / Extended Practice - DR ME Workshop: Submission boards.