Friday 6 February 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - YCN Interflora: Research into Interflora.


To grasp a further understanding into the Interflora brand and their vehicles of advertising and promotion I looked at their range of video, printed and larger scale outlets. I am currently unsure about the interflora brands and feel that that the current representation of the brand and the new aims are quite conflicting.  

The video above displays the Interflora brand in a very formal way, detailing the craftsmanship and expertise that goes into every floral arrangement they distribute. The art of floral arrangement appears very luxurious, very professional and almost like a science. However given the choice, most young adults 18-25 would probably rather nip out to Tesco's and buy a nice arrangement for £10-£15 rather than pick up something £40 upwards from a brand that fails to get on their level, and is all about targeting the middle class with lots of disposable income. Therefore the campaign for grandparents day must work to making young adults want to spend a bit of extra money on flowers, in order to get something bespoke and special. 

Interflora do touch upon in the distribution of the brief that usually they do tend to try and stay away from humour as they are a reputable and expert service that like to be seen as professional. However we can see above how they use subtle humour to in still a more human and friendly feel to their brand. It is important to include these more human like touches, as exchanging or gifting flowers is an emotional experience and has an emotion attached to it whether buying for mothers day, valentines day or just to say thank you. Above we see subtly how much flowers can mean to someone. The presumed wife is so happy about receiving her flowers that she instantly does something in return, albeit a humorous reply, such a statement gives some warmth to the interflora brand. This is important to consider towards an audience that doesn't usually interact with the brand. 

The above advert for Valentines day shows a more human, softer and younger side to the expert company. Featuring a couple in a grassy field, the advert focuses on creating a strong feeling of love and intimacy using only music, and a few camera shots, the advert aims for simplicity, clarity and subtle hints to carry the message. The advert then finished with a powerful slogan 'Create a memory this valentines day' - again reiterating the power of flowers. I have noticed that this is a pattern within the motion work of Interflora to combine silent actions with music, and paired with a slogan at the end that communicates the power of flowers. If I am to do any motion work in regards to the campaign this is a pattern I should consider taking advantage of. 

The above four images are different pieces of marketing from different events within Interflora however they all again show a constant pattern. Using photographs of all their stunning flowers, which are essentially the products they are advertising, they allow these to stand boldly and proudly within a minimalist layout. Although the focus is directly on the image of the flower, the photograph is complemented by a small section of text that is used as a strong persuasive tool to encourage a purchase. 'Love her, Love Interflora' and 'Always there for you.' I will need to take into consideration this pattern when creating any static marketing such as online, billboard or editorial, however it might need adapting for a younger audience. 

Above are some really great advertisements I found, however I don't think they were actually used by Interflora, but created by a designer as a mock campaign idea that tried to influence young males to purchase flowers for their mother on mothers day, in return for all the different things the mothers had done for them. Thus including acting as the tooth fairy, santa claus and the easter bunny. The designer approached the subject in a light hearted way creating a series of posters using witty strap lines to catch the younger audiences attention. I think that this is something that works well, as the brand removes itself from its very formal pedestal and finds itself on the same level as the audience. I also think the boldness of using the paper craft technique to communicate the illustrations is something fun and youthful, however the professional attitude that is constantly associated with Interflora is continued through the use of minimalism and the signature white background. And so here is shows that the original pattern of Interflora marketing can be translated and edited slightly to be more appropriate and appealing to the younger audience. 

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