Friday 6 February 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Peter and Paul: Design development.


We began by looking at an array of different type installations. We mainly wanted to look at ideas inspired by our environment such as neon typography, in which we could use colours taken from the neon lights in the environment. We also looked at typography that was more industrial and had a metallic aesthetic to draw upon the materials of the exposed pipes in the spaces.

The neon lit typography looked really great and bold, and more so would be a great reminder for those staying late into the evening up until college close as it would light up in the darker hallways reminding students that there is more to life than graphic design. 

Although we were both in agreement that the neon type would make a great statement and tie in well with both the message and the environment, we also of course, have to consider budget and so integrating lights into the design is most probably going to be out of the question. Therefore if we want to incorporate the neon colours we are going to have to find another way to do so that doesn't include lights. 

We also had a look at another material option which was the use of more metallic and industrial textures, such as metals and shiny acrylics. Again the metal could be a bit too expensive, and so if we were wanting to use more of a metallic texture, the most viable and affordable option is probably going to be using mirrored acrylic which we would have the ability to laser cut ourselves to whatever shape needed inside of college. 

The idea of a reflective material over a metal also seemed more appropriate as the phrase which we are wanting to install onto the wall is in reflection of all the students on Graphic design. Therefore the material would play upon the theme of reflection just as the type installation has done below. 

In order to create a statement we really wanted to make a statement that is individual and bespoke and involved me creating a piece of lettering from scratch, giving me the scope to do almost anything with the lettering. In order to avoid the type appearing like just another type face we looked at piece of typography that were one off statement pieces. 

There was a piece of type in particular that we looked at which we felt was a great statement, and had great fluidity. Illustrative work is one of my stronger points and so such work seemed to match my skill set. I also liked that it seemed to make the typography a little bit more whimsical and fun giving the message a light hearted edge, rather than serious, which you might get from a bold sans serif typeface, and lacks formality which would have come from using a serif type.  

I also found a type installation that used a similar fluid piece of lettering that was produced 3d and structured using laser cut corrugated card, which is a great way to build script 3d type as the material is very flexible. 

In order to make our piece of type 3d, if we do choose to plan on cutting it from mirrored acrylic, which id not a flexible material, we would have to consider layering the type, possibly cutting it from one material such as a low weight wood, and cutting the design from mirrored acrylic which would be laid on top. 

Before thinking any further about the technical details of producing the piece of type, I worked on drawing up the phrase in the style we desired. 

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