Friday 6 February 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Peter and Paul: Design development.


Today I have to begin working on and producing the piece of lettering as the presentation is tomorrow. I don't yet have a particular methodology towards creating type as it is something I have only just began experimenting with. My methodology for creating this piece of type was to work on each word individually. As previously, seen in my Heavenly project which I completed opposite my dissertation, I have worked with constructing my own type, but only ever with one word pieces. As this is a full phrase I decided that dissecting it would be best, using each word I sketch out as a size reference for the next. I also thought that I could go back at the end and redraw the whole piece of type together at the end ironing out any glitches, and making the composition more technically sound.                                                 

With each word I completed I took pointers from the previous in terms of x height, counter sizes and swashes. In the end the type piece should look quite organic and fluid, and so in reflection of this I am taking a very organic approach. 

The more words I sketched out I began placing them into the composition I would follow to see sooner rather than later where the technical issues would be that need ironing out. I also have to keep in mind that the wall I am creating the type for is very vertically focused, and so I began thinking about the amount of words per line, and how the phrase would fit into the space. It is important that the type fits vertically but also that the composition does not come into contact with the water fountain seen in place at the bottom of the space, and doesn't over hang the top. 

I will be able to control the scale and placement more so once I am happy with the type and begin working digitally.

Once I had completed sketching up each word separately, I moved onto tracing each word with layout paper drawing guides for figures such as base and x height so that the piece of type looked more fluid and in proportion to itself. 

Happy with the design on paper I then transferred it into illustrator, where I plan to vectorise each word of the composition separately so each word could be individually cut large scale on our in house laser cutters reducing cost and the need to outsource. 

I created an illustrator document the same size as the space I am working with on the wall:

H = 2450mm
W = 1770mm

With my canvas being equivalent to the space on the wall I have to work with, I began drawing up each piece of the type composition in illustrator, and putting it into the format shown in my hand drawn piece:

Once I had done this I took the design into cinema 4d in order to make it 3d.
I added a mirrored texture to the front of the type and I also thought about how we could incorporate the pink of the neon lights into the typographic piece by colouring the exposed sides this colour, whether this be by painting or spray painting the wood.
I thought the idea and visual of incorporating the pink into the environment worked really well and would further help to integrate the type piece into the space. 

This is the design I am choosing to present in the presentation:

In terms of the wall Danielle was working on, to include the opinions of our course mates whom share the space and gain a more accurate view of the activities our peers like to do outside of design, we asked them what they like to do outside of university and what other places they gather their inspiration from. 

In reflection of the answers given Danielle would create a set of symbols that represent the answers that people give, alongside other activities relevant to the course students that she thinks of. 

In response to the answers she got, Danielle created a simple set of symbols to communicate the activities we should partake in and not forget about when we are in the graphic design zone.  

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