Friday 20 February 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - DBA Capital North: Digital development.


With influence from the illustrations I found, I began drawing up my sketches one by one. I produced them in a minimalist fashion, keeping in mind my range of audiences as I did them. The aim is to create something eye catching but genuine and honest.

Once I had finished the illustrations of mills and factories, I pitched them against a 'realistic' blue sky colour to give the feel of a landscape. 

I also added in the green line which would act as a conveyor belt where the two landscapes (mills and new developments) would move across. 

Next I moved on to create the illustrations for the second section of the motion poster in the same style. 

I placed this against the matching blue background and against the constant green line. 

I then began to implement the idea of making all the windows light up as if brightening up the north, putting the building into business and filling it with great potential. In order to make sure when animated that the rows of lights would come in one by one, I put them on separate lines which I will stagger in After effects and they will come in one by one. 

I also aim to have the sun moving and rising from the bottom left hand corner to the top right, further instigating the idea of a bright future. 

In terms of typography Danielle suggested a typeface. We were originally planning to go with a sans serif typeface as to keep clearness and clarity but also promote friendliness. We wanted to avoid serif fonts for the fear of the brand becoming too corporate. However Danielle suggested that in order to marry friendliness with a sense of formality ( to target business) we should consider a slab serif, which tends to lie in between sans serif and serif in formality. In particular she suggested Roboto slab. I tried implementing the typeface into the text sections needed  as both headings using the bold weight, and body copy using light for the most part, and bold for important pieces of information. 

I felt that the typeface was working well as it represented itself as both authoritative by friendly. Therefore I continued to use it for the next section which consisted of the Less is more, Less is North catchphrase. When using the typeface, It helped to create a bold and memorable statement. 

Finally I moved onto simply illustrating the final logo section a simple sequence of the smaller logo transitioning into the larger. Again I have created the sequence in 3 layers ready to be transported into After effects so that I can manipulate the N, compass arrow and 'Capital orth' separately, altering the positioning and opacity of each element. 

With the illustrative work done, I imported the files, retaining the layers into After effects. 

As stated I replicated the simple transitions, creating 4 different 'slides' and rendering them into one video. 
I wanted to try and keep the pace up as much as possible to make sure that people would not loose interest. I also wanted to make sure that the pace was continuos through out all 4 clips. 

The music chosen for the animation is not related to the subject at all and will be replaced at a later date. However it is useful to build the animation up with music to work with pace, and understand how it with combine with a song.  

I will take the animation with me to the next group meeting to get feedback from the rest of my group. 

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