Tuesday 2 December 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Ditto press: Methodology.


Today we met up with Ben again from Ditto Press and we spoke more in a group setting about our individual methodologies. I find this set up helpful as although I work much differently to others, everyone has their own way of working, I am alerted to things in my own process I have forgotten, that others sometimes remind me I do.

We individually spoke about our methodologies.

I had been confused about the task but prepared something to talk about anyhow, that I could gain feedback on. My methodology I felt was simple, and was something I had come up with when looking back at some of the projects I completed towards the end of last year and early this year.
I named my methodology 50/50.


The method behind 50/50 spoke of sourcing of research. 
My plan via 50/50 was for every piece of secondary research I did, I would do a piece of primary research. 
eg. If I sourced some images online, I would also look to go and source some of my own imagery. 
However, This could be a useless process, taking my own photos could be unnecessary and therefore to follow the methodology would be a waste of time. Therefore I need to think more about what information I source over how I source it. 

However after speaking to Ben and listening to others in the group, I found that I was looking at the idea of a methodology in completely the wrong sense. Whilst I was looking more so into what outlets of research I do, such as online, photography etc. What I was supposed to look into, and what would be way more useful is the information I need to source, rather than the sources themselves. Ben stated that it doesn't matter whether research is primary or secondary, as long as it is useful. And therefore we shouldn't think of research within these boundaries. I will however keep in mind at the development stage that primary elements (such as going to take photographs) will make my work more original and bespoke, over collecting images online. 

I started thinking about how I have research, developed and designed up until now, and how it would be useful to do so in the future. What is the best way for me to attain information across all brief projects.

Separation then integration.

I found that when thinking about my process, I separate the brief into two sections which I can research into, function and form. 


- Audience.
- Culture. 
- Client personality. 
- Context.
- Purpose of product. (Uses)

With results from research pick strongest theme/s. put these against the following form elements:


- Colour. 
- Tone of voice. 
- Ergonomics.

Pick strongest combination / idea wanted to work with. 

Look at:

- Precedents.
- Production.  

Rewrite brief regarding:
Theme + form + Production = design.

Refer design and development back to the first list and brief. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Make amendments if necessary - Prototypes. 

Client interaction / opinions.

Final piece.

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