Saturday 6 December 2014

OUGD603 / Extended practice - Brrew Iced tea: Social media.

Social media.

Today I began working on some of the promotion for Brrew. 
I have decided to do social media promotion as word of mouth via social media is one of the best ways to transport information to my younger audience group of 16-30 year olds. 

I worked on creating a set of designs for Facebook including a cover and profile photo. 

Below I started playing with some ideas for a cover photo that would communicate to Face book users the range of flavours that Brrew has in its range. To do this I took the signature illustration found on the front of each box and split it into four sections, regarding the four flavours. The logo for Brrew is originally done in gold foil on the packaging which is difficult to translate to on screen and so I tried to find a colour that would act neutrally and wouldn't link to any of the colours already used in the design. I tried both black and blue.  

I did however feel that by changing the colour of the logo, the social media design lost some of its connection to the original branding and therefore I looked for a way to counter this. 

I went back to basics and tried to make the design for the Facebook banner as similar as possible to that of the box design. For this reason I have used the original box illustration in the most striking colour, however this could be interchanged to other flavours/colours throughout the course of the brands time on Facebook. Daily/weekly posts will also signify to the audience the range of products sold. The main function of the header is to be striking and identifiable. 

I then thought it would correspond with the printed ephemera to also include the shortened down version of the logo. The shortened logo is a great size and shape to fit that of a profile picture. This combination would be a great simple and identifiable online reflection of the tactile brand. 

Here I have put the Facebook designs I have created into a mock up to see how they communicate on an online platform. I feel that the design works very well and is very muech easily recognizable. Although the banner does not reflect the whole collection of Brrew which I think is a downside, I do think it does its job of lurring the customer in. I also think that information such as flavours will be available to communicate on posts made on the wall of the website. 

Final product:

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