Thursday 6 November 2014

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Crit: Design work.


We recently had crits on the work that we have done so far, and I found the feedback that I got really useful. I was able to get opinions on two projects I am currently working on and one that I am about to start. 

Firstly I asked for some feedback on BRREW - I had some logos drawn up and I wanted some help on which it was thought was most appropriate for the brand. I showed my four logos I have drawn up and my peers suggested that due to the high illustrative but simple packaging I was planning to create, they suggested that I use the most simple of my logos so that it doesn't clash and fight for attention with the rest of the design. I felt that this feedback makes sense and so instead I will search for other ways to represent that the drink is an iced beverage. 



I also asked the other students how they thought would be the best way for me to represent other flavours of tea throughout the packaging, i suggested possibilities of editing the illustration, or changing the colour. Again they thought it was best to continue with the theme of simplicity and have a colour key for the flavours that allows the box design to stay consistent throughout the whole collection. The alternating of bright colours to represent different flavours might also help the product to appear to a younger audience. 

MAC  x   Alice In Wonderland:
I also took my MAC cosmetics illustrations to the CRIT to ask which they though would be most appropriate for the packaging. I showed everyone my 5 designs I had sketched up. It was a really great eye opener to see what everyone thought as some people had seen the film and some people hadn't. From the general consensus the most popular design seemed to be the one with the mad hatter on. People who had and hadn't seen the film were able to associate the mad hatter from film posters with the film. I agreed with this feedback as I also liked the Mad hatter design, due it being the most dramatic make up look of the film, which relates to the actualisation that the packaging designs are for a make up brand.  

Christmas cards:
Lastly I asked for opinions on my christmas card designs. I was trying to find out what kind of illustration and type combination I should go ahead with. I was contemplating whether to create a detailed design that was predominantly image based supported by a quote, or a simple combination in which the quote was emphasised and supported by a simple illustration. The feedback I got was to emphasise the quote as this is the focal point and where the inspiration for the collection of christmas cards has come from. People also generally thought that the more simple aesthetic might look better screen printed, and the minimalism would help to highlight the process more. 

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