Friday 23 January 2015

OUGD603 / Extended Practice - Christmas stationary: closing in on a design idea.


I knew that I wanted to screen print but I was struggling to think of how I could combine both image and text together into a screen print using only two colours of ink. When looking at movie themed prints I came across this great piece inspired by the film elf in which the designer had made a simple design that combined both image and text together. 

The image and type had been separated into two separate layers, the illustration/ image underneath in one colour and the type on top on a separate colour. As I had previously mentioned I wanted the quotes to be the most prominent parts of the piece and I felt that by making the illustrations almost part of the background it would allow the typography to do so. 

Based upon this new aesthetic based Idea, I began to think of what simple illustrations I could link with my three memorable quotes. I looked to inspiration from main visuals I had taken earlier from each film. 

Polar express:

The most prominent visual from the polar express is the bell, the bell is a representation of the belief in santa clause. ‘The bell rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.’ The bell is a great recognisable symbol for the film and fits perfectly with the quote I am incorporating into my card design, 'Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.’ which describes the realness of Santa. 

I think it is also going to be important to keep the illustrations as simple as possible, as of course they will be overlaid by text, so something as symbolic and simple as the bell will fit in well with the decided aesthetic.

The Grinch: 

Most of the main visuals I collected from this film were of the character and the set, and looking at my quote they don’t particularly fit.
‘Maybe Christmas he thought doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.’ With this in mind, I went back to the section of the film to gather new inspiration for the illustration. 

Instanly after the quote has been communicated there is a turning point in the film in which the Grinch switches from bad to good. At this point his heart ‘grows three sizes bigger'. I feel that a visual of his heart growing three times in size would in reflection be simple in aesthetic and directly represent the idea communicated by the quote. The idea of the card is to communicate that at christmas time it is not always about presents, gifts and shopping but about spending time together and giving love. 


The elf quote is not what is thought of as one of the main quotes in the film, however I thought it was a really great themed card for a girl to get for one of her close friends, or that a guy could pick up for his girlfriend. I was quite puzzled about how I would illustrate the message ‘you’re so pretty, you should be on a christmas card’. As the quote was a passing comment in the film, I knew that their wasn’t particularly any visuals that I could grab from the film, and so I began to think of visuals that I could like with pretty, vanity etc. 

There were obvious visuals that came to mind, such as make up, brushes etc. However I felt that such Items were too cliche, and would also communicate the idea that pretty is associated with make up. Therefore I thought about looking at ones self as you are, contriving the idea of a mirror. 

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